
Kids and Technology: Harnessing the Internet as a Learning Tool

Throughout the pandemic, schools and other learning institutes have turned to online and remote means to continue the education of their students. Other parents have opted out of enrolling entirely and have had their kids home-schooled or self-taught instead. But with technology and the internet now being the only means to teach children, the lines […]


A Day in the Range: Are Shooting Ranges the New Video Arcades?

Shooting ranges are controlled areas (indoor or outdoor) with all sorts of targeting mechanisms where people can practice shooting. Traditionally, professionals in training often frequent shooting ranges. But as recreational target shooting grew in popularity, enthusiasts from all walks of life have been coming through its doors. Different shooting ranges across the United States now […]


Innovations That Microsoft Has Established

The ’90s are well aware of who Bill Gates is, even back then and up until now. He is a favorite subject of many conspiracy theories. Gates, a Harvard dropout, is a co-founder of Microsoft and Paul Allen, who later left the company due to health reasons. With the eventual rise of computers, Microsoft took […]


Preparing the Students for Face-to-Face Classes

Some countries already allowed children to go to schools amid the pandemic. Leaders have approved children living in low-risk areas to study face-to-face. Some families could not afford to let their children due to the challenge the children will have to take. Some schools initiated timely threat assessments to ensure safety and security. The school administration of […]


How to Get Into the IT Industry Without an IT Degree

Many jobs in the IT and computer sciences fields do not require a college education. Although having a degree in said fields can serve as a great edge, it is not always necessary to become a successful professional in the industry—but getting there can be quite tricky. That said, how do you enter the IT […]


Understanding the Importance of Marketing to Your Healthcare Facility

Every healthcare organization has a goal to offer the best patient treatment services, but none of this will be possible if people are not looking for better treatment and healthcare services. For this reason, healthcare organizations now depend on efficient medical marketing services to make sure that their mission to save lives and help people […]


Why Having a Mobile-Friendly Website and Mobile Apps Matters to Businesses

Having a mobile-first website and mobile apps have never been more important than it is now. With so many people using their phones to browse the internet, you need your site to be optimized for mobile browsing. To appeal to your customer base, you need to have an easy way to access your site on […]


How Businesses Can Help the Move Toward a Cashless Society

If you go to first-world countries, you will notice how most businesses there don’t use and accept cash anymore. If you go to any convenience store, they will mostly only accept Apple Pay, Venmo, and other types of cashless transactions. In the Philippines, businesses are starting to switch to cashless payments, too. Even supermarkets and […]


Cybersecurity at Home: Simple Strategies to Use the Internet Safely

Almost every household is connected to the Internet. A strong Internet connection is even more important now because people do so many things online, such as work, school, and shopping. But the Internet isn’t always a safe place. In 2020, 155.8 million individuals fell victim to data exposure. Parties who acquire sensitive information from the Internet can use it in […]


For First-time Car Owners: Protecting Your Vehicle’s Trade-in Value

Owning a car for the very first time is always an exciting phase. You can’t wait for all the adventures where you can drive your car. You might think that you got everything covered to ensure a safe and flawless drive. But are you really doing everything you can to preserve, if not improve, its […]

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