Digital Tools in the New Normal: How They Help Us Cope With the Pandemic

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Digital Tools in the New Normal: How They Help Us Cope With the Pandemic

There’s no denying how the COVID-19 crisis has caused a massive impact worldwide. Not only has it posed threats to public health and led to high mortality rates, but it has also disrupted various aspects of our society. These include our livelihoods, jobs, businesses, education, relationships, and leisure and recreation.

But surprisingly, people have managed to get by amid the global health crisis. Individuals and families have found ways to live, work, and get entertained in the comfort of their homes. World institutions and various sectors have found alternative means to continue to operate. Thanks to modernization and technological advancements, digital tools and technologies have emerged more robust than ever, assisting all of us during this pandemic.

That said, here are top technology trends that help us get through the crisis:

1. E-commerce Platform for Consumer Needs

The e-commerce industry has long been flourishing in recent years. E-commerce platforms allow consumers and sellers to meet online. But pandemic has all the more amplified the value of the e-commerce sector. Amid the pandemic restrictions, individuals and families have counted on online businesses. They would shop online, order items, request supplies, and get them delivered right at their doorsteps. On the other hand, affected entrepreneurs have transitioned from brick-and-mortar stores to e-commerce businesses. They have seen the benefits of using e-commerce platforms.

2. Online Banking Apps for Financial Transactions

The finance and banking industry has come a long way in recent years. Gone are the days when individuals and business representatives had to visit a bank to transact money. Today, people and companies heavily rely on online banking for financial transactions. But during this pandemic, more and more people have jumped onto the digital banking bandwagon. They make contactless payments, whether paying bills, receiving wages, or ordering food supplies. In addition, a modern company or organization lets their bookkeeper and accountant use software for financial recording, reporting, and transactions.

3. Telehealth Services for Virtual Healthcare


The COVID-19 crisis has shaken the health sector among all industries. It has the primary responsibility to treat patients and save people’s lives. Along with this is to curb the spread of the various strains of the novel coronavirus. Ultimately, it has to foster health and well-being amid the crisis. That’s where telehealth services come into the picture. Health professionals and medical facilities have utilized digital tools and technologies to provide virtual medical care, remote patient monitoring (RPM), and even digitally-assisted medical treatments.

4. Communication Tools for Work From Home (WFH)

At the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, many companies and organizations worldwide have adopted the work-from-home policy. The pandemic has paved the way for the rise of remote work and hybrid work setup. Thanks to digital tools and communication technologies, employees can accomplish their tasks at home and communicate with their colleagues via the internet. When asked if they still want to go back to the office, the majority of the employees prefer to work remotely for good. It appears that the pandemic has shaped and determined the future of the business landscape.

5. Extended Reality (ER) for Online Education

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced students out of their classrooms and into their homes. But thanks to technological advancements, they have made online education plausible. On top of these are the extended realities that can help with an enhanced online learning experience. Whether virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality, it can help students learn more digitally. It proves beneficial to teachers and students alike, apart from holding online classes and using modules. It seems like the pandemic has changed the world of education forever.

6. The Internet of Things (IoT) for Global Interaction

Our world has become smaller physically, as it’s easy to travel from one country to another. It has also become a global village, as people and businesses can connect and interact via the web. These two can get attributed to no less than the Internet of Things. They allow people to store and share data and information via their physical devices, as long as they connect to the internet. The web has helped individuals and businesses communicate and engage amid the pandemic restrictions. A perfect example is how people use social media to talk to each other.

At this point, you now know what digital tools and technologies have helped us all cope with the pandemic. Consider the top technology trends discussed above, from e-commerce platforms to extended realities to the Internet of Things (IoT). These are just a few examples of how these tools and technologies have helped individuals and assisted industries worldwide.

While the novel coronavirus is here to stay, we should continue to take advantage of these technologies and capitalize on their benefits. Amid the global health crisis, these digital tools and technologies have proven their worth time and again.

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