Boosting Your Sales and Marketing amid the Pandemic

boosting sales

Boosting Your Sales and Marketing amid the Pandemic

It’s no surprise how the COVID-19 pandemic has crippled many businesses worldwide. Not only has it temporarily closed some companies, but it has also permanently shut down some businesses.

It’s good that some small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and big corporations have managed to survive. As most of them have started to reopen this year, they must take robust steps in their sales and marketing approach. The key here is to go virtual while making the most of the digital resources. Whether to update your site, harness the power of social media, or tap sales and marketing agents, you must do so online.

Fret not, as we’ve rounded up some practical tips for you. Here’s how to boost your sales and marketing during the pandemic:

  1. Update your website

Having a website is imperative, especially during this pandemic. Whether you run a brick-and-mortar or an online store, your site will enable you to display your products or promote your services. However, it does more than meets the eye. It creates your brand by representing your business image and identity. It also enables you to engage with your customers. Lastly, it goes as far as allowing you to conduct business transactions with your customers. Therefore, you must update your website to ensure it serves its purpose.

  1. Implement SEO strategies

It’s not enough that you have a business website. Your visually appealing and highly functional site won’t matter if it won’t reach your target market. By employing search engine optimization (SEO), you can increase your business’s online visibility and website traffic. You can do this by optimizing your website, writing keyword-integrated content, and building backlinks. When done correctly, your site and content pieces will rank on top of the search engine results pages (SERP).

  1. Resort to cold email outreach

Emails have long been proven helpful in the world of business. For the most part, you use these to communicate with your colleagues or interact with your customers. But when it comes to sales and marketing, you can resort to cold email outreach. This process entails reaching out to people via email to offer your products or services. Doing so can potentially generate leads (those who have shown interest) or get actual sales (those who have ended up patronizing your business).

email marketing concept

  1. Employ PPC ads

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is proven effective in business. This strategy entails displaying your ads on particular platforms and paying for every click. There are different types of PPC ads:

Search ads (appearing on SERP)

Display ads (showing up on partnered websites)

Social ads (displayed on social media)

It makes sense to pay for every click, as it means a potential customer lands on your web page. When this happens, you can generate leads or even convert them into sales.

  1. Perform remarketing

Remarketing is precisely what it is. The process involves reaching out to those who have shown interest or done business with you previously. One way to do so is to use the Facebook pixel, which enables you to track and study the people’s actions taken on your website. As you have the details of these prospects, you can reach out to them to promote your products or services. Who knows? This time, they will finally complete their transactions in your business.

  1. Utilize social media channels

Social media is deemed powerful in this time and age. Especially during this pandemic, most people won’t have a day without checking or browsing social media. That said, you must have a business page on these channels, whether Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. Not only do these channels allow you to market your goods or services, but they also enable you to engage with your target customers.

  1. Hire outbound sales agents

If you’ve performed due diligence and generated some leads, you can call your prospects and sell your products or services. It’s a straightforward approach for converting leads into sales. But if your big business needs some people to do the sales job for you, you can work with an outbound call center company. Such a company usually has knowledgeable and well-trained agents who can make successful sales for your business.

The pandemic has made consumers highly critical in their product purchase or service hire. As such, businesses need to reevaluate their sales and marketing strategies. When it comes to these, going digital is the name of the game.

That said, consider our valuable tips recommended above — from updating your site to performing remarketing to hiring sales agents. All these will help boost your sales endeavors and marketing campaigns. Ultimately, you’ll be surprised at how you’ll have high returns amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

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