Here’s Why You Should Start Your Own Moving Company

delivery guy with a yellow delivery van behind

Here’s Why You Should Start Your Own Moving Company

If you are thinking about starting your own moving company, there are things to consider before deciding to go with it. It’s not an easy job, and it requires a lot of hard work to make it profitable and successful. But if you’re ready to put in the time and effort, then it can be rewarding on so many levels. In this article, we will be looking at why you should start your own moving company. 

Getting Started Is Easy

You’ll need a truck, some boxes, some muscle, and business cards to get started. However, establishing a successful moving company takes a bit more time and money than you might think. 

It all starts with getting your name out there by telling people what you do, where you do it, and what makes your company different from others in your industry. That said, once you have your start-up costs under control and can afford to run full-time while keeping expenses low, you can begin. Here are a few tips to make it happen: 

  • Once you’ve chosen your name, get it trademarked as quickly as possible to prevent people from trying to rip you off by stealing your brand. 
  • Think about what color scheme you want your logo to be, and have professional business cards made that have just enough information on them so people can find out more.
  • If you’re trying to decide between a white van or another type of vehicle for moving boxes, consider what fits best with your area (like an SUV in suburban areas and a pick-up truck in rural places). 
  • Your vehicle is your tool, so it’s up to you to keep them in top shape. Keep records of auto repair contacts in case anything happens on a job. The most common auto repair that you need to be prepared for is flat tires and auto glass. Your vehicle’s windows could get broken if someone is careless during loading/unloading or when something is being loaded into and out of your truck. Make sure you have all bases covered by making necessary appointments before they are needed. Car glass repairs can quickly run into thousands of dollars if you don’t plan, so better make arrangements beforehand.

Dealing With Clients Is Straightforward

Treat clients right, and they’ll keep coming back. Make a customer feel uncomfortable or like they don’t matter, though, and it won’t just be their business you lose—it could be their friends, too. First impressions are everything when it comes to taking on new clients: if your team fails to impress from jump street, there will be no second chances to make a first impression. 

Remember that moving is stressful for everyone involved, so some people just want to get in, grab what they came for, and leave; others want you to help manage their stressors by explaining every step of the process clearly. No matter what type of client you encounter, remember that politeness goes a long way towards keeping customers happy during stressful situations.

Money to Be Made 

The moving industry is known to be a big business. According to IBIS World, the moving industry’s market has reached $18.5bn in 2021. With so much money to be made, it’s understandable why someone would want to get in on those numbers by starting their own moving company. It seems like an unattainable dream for most of us, but it doesn’t have to be.  

No Barriers for Starting

All you need is a good idea, and you can start your own moving company. The most challenging part of starting your own moving company may be coming up with a clever name for it. But don’t worry too much about that. Once you start showing some momentum, people will remember your name just as well as they would big companies like Allied Van Lines or Bellhops. Just have fun with it! 

Make sure you have a website and social media profiles. Use them to promote yourself—tell people what services you offer and why they should go with your business instead of other well-established companies. 

Advertise Using Social Media and Word of Mouth

social media marketing

The key to successful advertising is finding a cost-effective way to get your message out to as many people as possible. If you have a large friend group, use social media to spread the word about your business. But if it’s just you and your spouse, think about offering incentives for new customers. Once you land a customer, be sure that everyone involved in their move knows who helped them out. Hand out referral cards at drop-off and pick-up points. 

Try to connect with real estate agents, so they can refer you to homeowners looking for moving services. If you don’t have connections, make a conscious effort to talk to new people in your industry.

Starting your own moving company may seem like a leap, but it’s more doable than you might think. Follow these tips, and you’ll be well on your way to making a significant life decision. But most importantly, don’t forget to remember that while running a business can be challenging, it can also be rewarding in terms of both personal growth and financial earnings.

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